Oasis of silence
We are open to all who are sincerely interested in their inner growth and advancement. We base our practice on insight meditation – Vipassana – which has its origins in the teachings of the Buddha. Javorie also welcomes Buddhist monks and nuns of the Theravada tradition, for whom we provide facilities for long-term residence. In such we offer an opportunity for them to further their virtues while sharing their wisdom and knowledge with the world and visitors of the Centre.

- Javorie
- 1. Main building
- 2. Small kuti
- 3. Sati, Samadhi, Pannā
- 4. Kuti Viriya
- 5. Kuti Viveka
- 6. Shared facilities for small kutis
- 7. Pond and stúpa
- Surroundings
Javorie Meditation Centre is located in central Slovakia, in Detva district near Zvolen. The complex consists of a main building, which has 13 rooms (with a capacity of 26 beds and 11 extra beds), two meditation halls, a kitchen and a dining room. We have three larger cottages (Sati, Samadhi, Panna) for teachers and 2 kutis (Viriya and Viveka) outside the centre grounds to house monks and nuns. From May through October we have 14 small kutis available with separate bathrooms and kitchen facilities. The Centre has its own spring whose water quality is regularly checked. We try not to burden the environment, we cook tasty healthy vegetarian food and are ready to accommodate dietary limitations. We have our own biological wastewater treatment, we plant trees and have a small garden.
The area of the centre is 2 hectares, it is fenced around located in the middle of the forests of the Javorie Mountains. In summer we also allow outdoor meditation, in the meadows or forest under the tree, the way it used to be practiced in the old days.
Total capacity: 50 people
Living area: 2344 m2
Land: 23344 m2
Main building
Two-story building with beautiful double rooms with private bathroom.
Capacity: 26 beds and 11 extra beds
The main meditation hall has a capacity of 50 people. It is intended for silent meditations.
A smaller downstairs meditation hall with a capacity of 40 meditators or 25 practitioners of Qi Gong or Yoga.
The building is open all year round.
Malá kuti
A small cabin in an austere, simple style with a bed (possibility of an extra bed) and a wardrobe. The kitchen, WC and showers are in a shared facility in a separate nearby building. Possibility of accommodation for individual meditation/ solo-retreat from May to September.
Kuti Samadhi, Paňňá a Sati
Higher standard cottages next to the main building. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, electric heating and wood burning stove. They are intended primarily for teachers, but in some cases also for meditators. Possibility of individual meditations/ solo retreats in winter or autumn.
Kuti Viriya
Comfortable and cozy cabin. One bedroom, kitchenette and bathroom. Outside compost toilet, wood stove. Accommodation available from May to September.
Kuti Viveka
Monastic style with basic equipment. Created for monks and nuns to stay for the vassa (rains retreat, July – October). Nice, spacious room, outside terrace and covered chankamana (walking meditation path). No electricity, water in buckets, wood stove, outside compost toilet. Shower is available in the shared facilities for small kutis, or in the main building of the center. It is located 10 minutes’ walk from the main building in the middle of the forest. Ideal for individual meditation, it serves monks and nuns during the vassa (July-October).
Pond and stúpa
A small pond for relaxation, contemplation or meditation where you can listen to the gurgling stream that fills the pond with fresh water. It is situated next to the Liberation Stupa.
A large part of the center consists of forests and meadows. We leave the forests wild and mow the meadows once a year. Thus, ecosystems representing landscape and cultural heritage in the sparsely populated area of this part of central Slovakia coexist with us right in the center. We want to preserve them as well as enjoy the diversity of plants and animals they provide .
10 years of successful meditation retreats
For more than 10 years we have been organizing meditation retreats at Javorie with renowned lay and monastic teachers from all over the world.
As it is inside,
so it is outside
We see our mission in fulfilling the full potential of one’s life. For people it lies in the development of physical, mental and spiritual capacities; for humanity it lies in the ability to develop compassion and loving kindness in personal, social and spiritual relationships; for the planet Earth and Javorie it lies in cultivating a deep connection with nature and experiencing the essence of co-creation and self-realization.
In Pali, "kuti" refers to a small dwelling or hut used by Buddhist monks and nuns for secluded meditation. It provides a quiet space for spiritual practice that is characterized by solitude and simplicity. Kutis are usually found in monasteries or in natural settings and serve as places to deepen one’s spiritual practice.